Apparatus and method remote contactless measurement of radiative heat flux


  • A. G. Shayko-Shaykovsky Yuriy Fedkovych Chemivtsi National University, Chemivtsi
  • M. E. Belov Yuriy Fedkovych Chemivtsi National University, Chemivtsi
  • I. S. Oleksyuk Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • V. V. Vasilov Chernovitsi Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi
  • D. K. Lennik Chernovitsi Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi
  • N. N. Shvab Chernovitsi Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi



non-contact measurement, instrumentation, radiation fluxes


Developed by the authors examined the equipment using the sensor on the anisotropic semiconductor crystals. The measurements are performed remotely, in a contactless manner to assess the radiative heat fluxes of biological and industrial objects in static and (or) dynamic modes, depending on the specifics of the object, the conditions of research and possible methods of measurement. The proposed method of measurement is only possible in the study of post-operative fields, infected and inflamed surfaces of the body of an organism. Temperature accuracy was 0,05° C. Developed a special computer program automatically processes the measured signals and identifies the information received with standard graphs corresponding to the normal functioning of the body parameters. The equipment can be used in stationary conditions, as well as outpatient, then cassette recorded information held decoding and identification in hospital environment, making use of the method and apparatus convenient and efficient.

Author Biographies

  • A. G. Shayko-Shaykovsky, Yuriy Fedkovych Chemivtsi National University, Chemivtsi
    Shayko-Shaykovsky A.
  • M. E. Belov, Yuriy Fedkovych Chemivtsi National University, Chemivtsi
    Belov М.
  • I. S. Oleksyuk, Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi
    Oleksyuk I.
  • V. V. Vasilov, Chernovitsi Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi
    Basilov V.
  • D. K. Lennik, Chernovitsi Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi
    Lenik D.
  • N. N. Shvab, Chernovitsi Regional Hospital, Chernivtsi
    Schwab N.


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Radioelectronics Medical Technologies

How to Cite

“Apparatus and method remote contactless measurement of radiative heat flux” (2015) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (61), pp. 116–121. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2015.61.116-121.