Low cost low phase noise PLL controlled push-push VCOs in K- and Ka- bands, stabilized by cavity resonator





low phase noise oscillator, push-push oscillator, push-push oscillator with third harmonic output, voltage controlled oscillator, cavity stablow phase noise oscillator, push-push oscillator with thilized oscillator, PLL synthesizer


This work demonstrates push-push VCOs in K-band (with second harmonic output at 24 GHz) and in Ka-band (with third harmonic output at 36 GHz), and PLL synthesizers on their basis. Oscillators are stabilized by a rectangular resonant metallic cavity. Output signal power within the frequency tuning range changes in the limits of −11,5 - −7,6 dBm and −11,8 - −10,9 dBm for 24 GHz and 36 GHz oscillators respectively. Single sideband (SSB) phase noise spectral densities of –91 dBc/Hz for 24 GHz oscillator and –87,4 dBc/Hz for 36 GHz oscillator at 10 kHz offset from the carrier frequency are at the level of dielectric resonator oscillators (DRO) scaled to the same frequency. The oscillators feature a compact size, low cost quazi-planar design and are built using commercially available off-the-shelf parts.

Author Biographies

  • I. S. Tsvelykh, ALTEN GmbH, Munich
    Tsvelykh I. S.

  • B. A. Kotserzhynskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Kotserzhynskyi B. O.


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Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas

How to Cite

“Low cost low phase noise PLL controlled push-push VCOs in K- and Ka- bands, stabilized by cavity resonator” (2016) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (65), pp. 40–50. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2016.65.40-50.

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