Method of planning sessions on communication nodes
Theory of Scheduling, communication nodes, method of branches and bordersAbstract
Communication nodes are main elements of radio communication system, which are making tasks to receive, handle and transmit information. The system of management was established to provide making tasks that belong to communication nodes. It includes management personnel and command posts, service networks and automatic equipment to control lines, channels and communication hard ware. The management of communication nodes has to provide application its operational and tactical capabilities, successful completing of tasks in time in any situation. The management personnel consist of chief and duty officer o communication node.
One of the main duty officer’s activities to plan radio communication sessions. But exist in methods of planning have such short comings in conditions of great information pressure: failure appointments as result of lack of mathematical apparatus, great endurance in order to make decisions, non-effective application of radio operator’s capabilities. This problem belong asks of calendar planning. On the result so analyze calendar planning methods was proposed to apply method of branches and borders.
This method is based on principle of consist and branch in go accept able solution set. One ach stage elements of branching have to be analyzed in order to be checked to find a optimal solution. According to principle of branches and borders method in this method de fined rules of branching, estimation and choosing а better decision.
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