Regulated four tact transistor inductance


  • P. O. Gavrasienko Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa
  • V. V. Kychak Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa
  • A. A. Ovcharuk Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa



inductive transistor, temperature stability, nonlinear distortion


Marketability function of inductance is considered as a four tact structure on the base of transistors of different polarity and its analysis is conducted. Application of such structure at symmetry of it shoulders substantially diminishes the level of the second accordion and nonlinear distortions and eliminates the necessity of the use of additional outsourcings of feed.The proposed inductor has high stability and can be widely applied in the design of electronic devices.

Author Biographies

P. O. Gavrasienko, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa

Гаврасієнко П.О., магістрант

V. V. Kychak, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa

Кичак В.В., магістрант

A. A. Ovcharuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa

Овчарук А.А., магістрант


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How to Cite

Гаврасієнко, П., Кичак, В. and Овчарук, А. (2011) “Regulated four tact transistor inductance”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, 0(47), pp. 137-141. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2011.47.137-141.



Designing of Radio Equipment