Adaptive detection of group multifrequency signals




adaptation, detection algorithms, group processing, multifrequency signal, clutter, rejection filter, detection characteristics


Introduction. The article poses the problem of adaptive detection of group multifrequency signals of moving targets against the background of clutter with a priori uncertainty of the clutter parameters. The purpose of the article is to analyze adaptive systems for detecting group multifrequency signals.
Algorithms for the detection of group signals. The principles of constructing systems for adaptive detection of group multifrequency signals are proposed and algorithms for group and sliding signal processing on the background of clutter are presented.
A block diagram of a system for detecting group signals. A block diagram of the system for adaptive detection of a group multifrequency signal against a background of clutter is proposed. In the system, the clutter rejection is performed separately for each group of coherent pulses with a known arrival time corresponding to the tuning of the carrier frequency of the transmitter.
Analysis of the characteristics of the detection of group signals. The analysis of the detection characteristics of adaptive systems of group and sliding processing is based on the asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimates of the clutter parameters and allows you to choose the training sample size depending on the loss in system efficiency. Results of calculations. The results of calculations of the detection characteristics of the group and sliding processing systems with tuning and without the carrier frequency tuning are presented.
Conclusion. Carrier frequency tuning in combination with adaptive group processing of incoming samples allows to significantly increase the detection efficiency of group multifrequency signals at high detection probabilities.

Author Biography

D. I. Popov, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University

Popov D. I.


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How to Cite

Попов, Д. И. (2018) “Adaptive detection of group multifrequency signals”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, 0(74), pp. 44-50. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2018.74.44-50.



Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics