The Method for Time Calculation of Information Taking in the Aperture Synthesis Radar Station




radar, synthesized aperture, ultrahigh distinction, matching filter, additional algorithm, the time of obtaining a radar image, the artificial creation of a plane wave front, digital processing system


Introduction. The main requirements for modern air\-borne radar equipment are obtaining ultra-high resolution radar images at a considerable distance (several tens of kilometers) in a time scale that is close to real as possible. However, there are certain limitations that currently complicate the possibility of obtaining an image of a high resolution at a considerable distance, for example, it is necessary to take into account the sphericality of the wave front of the sounding signal. In the given article the method for time calculation of radiological information taking at use of the determining filter and additional algorithms in the aperture synthesis radar station and calculated the time, which is necessary for reception of the image, using the aperture synthesis radar with the various distinctive abilities.
Results of the research. To determine the time to get radar images to a modern computer, it is necessary to calculate:
- the number of readings per element of differentiation along the distance in the strip, over the sloping range;
- the number of signal counts that are stored in a single channel for coherent filtration at the synthesis interval;
- the number of channels in the strip of inspection;
- the number of computer cycles needed to get the total number of readings per element of distinction;
- the number of cycles for using additional algorithms in processing trajectory signals;
- the time required to view the area of the site.
Conclusions. An analysis of the calculated time for obtaining ultra-high resolution radar information using a matching filter and additional algorithms suggests that radar monitoring throughout the flight is not appropriate as it takes quite a long time to process radar information. Therefore, it is necessary to initially handle the received radar image with low resolution, and in the case of identifying objects of interest, apply additional algorithms for processing information, to obtain a detailed radar image of a specific area or object with the necessary resolution.

Author Biography

  • O. O. Sliusarchuk, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    Slyusarchuk O. O.


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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“The Method for Time Calculation of Information Taking in the Aperture Synthesis Radar Station” (2018) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (75), pp. 33–39. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2018.75.33-39.