77 HHz radar for automobile


  • O. M. Lyashuk National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev




radar, LFM, resolution, FMCW


Modern requirements to safety and comfort of drivers and passengers of a car cause continuous development of corresponding technical facilities. Technologies that provide implementation of these requirements are on the first place for the developers of cars. One of the most important requirement is an analysis of road situation, where various sensors are used. One of them is radar. Principle of action, basic parameters and application of radar RS-200 is considered in this article. Radar is used in modern cars of brand Mersedes Benz and works on frequency 77 HHz. It uses the LFM (linear frequency modulation) with the programmatic setting of resolution for distance.

Author Biography

  • O. M. Lyashuk, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Ляшук О.М., студент радіотехнічного факультету


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Information about completed design

How to Cite

“77 HHz radar for automobile” (2012) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (48), pp. 222–227. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2012.48.222-227.