Method for Rational Management of the Cybersecurity and Reliability Radio Technical Systems




hardware-software for information security, critical optimization, genetic algorithm, decision making system, Knapsack problems


The urgent problem of creating a method for the rational choice of means and subsystems of cyber protection or ensuring the reliability of radio engineering (also, information) systems, optimizing the management of appropriate means in the context of the implementation of anthropogenic or technogenic threats is investigated. The article studies the possibility of using a modified genetic algorithm to solve the problem of rational choice of information security means (ISM) and dynamic configuration management of such means on various security segments of reliable radio engineering systems (RRS), as well as information systems (IS).The scientific novelty of the study is the use in the genetic algorithm as criteria for optimizing the configuration (composition) of the ISM total amount of risks of breach of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information resources, as well as the cost characteristics of the respective ISM. The genetic algorithm in the problem of optimizing the choice of ISM configuration for RRS (IS) and dynamic resource management of the cybersecurity subsystem is considered as a variant of solving the multi-choice problem. In this formulation, the problem of rational placement of ISM at the boundaries (levels) of RRS (IS) protection is considered as a variant of solving the NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem of backpacking (Knapsack problems). The proposed approach provides an opportunity, on the one hand, to perform rapid testing of different sets of ISM and options for their application in ISM, on the other hand, this creates prerequisites for combining the proposed algorithm with existing methods, models and algorithms to optimize the boundaries of RRS (IS) cybersecurity and dynamic management of cybersecurity resources for various objects of information activities. This combination of methods, models and algorithms creates the preconditions for a rapid change in the settings of the RRS (IS) protection subsystem, changing its configuration to take into account new threats and cyberattacks.

Author Biographies

  • H. M. Hulak, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    PhD, Associate Professor, head of the Cybersecurity Laboratory

  • V. А. Lakhno , National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

    Doc. of Sci. (Tech), Professor, Head of the Department Computer Systems and Networks

  • S. A. Adiljanova , Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

    Senior Lecturer of department  Information Systems



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Information Security

How to Cite

“Method for Rational Management of the Cybersecurity and Reliability Radio Technical Systems” (2020) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (83), pp. 62–68. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2020.83.62-68.