Аutomatic Transmitter Power Control System for Combined Mobile Digital Troposcatter-Radiorelay Stations
automatic transmitter power control system, reverse communication channel, mobile digital troposcatter-radiorelay station, troposcatter communication channel, multipath propagation of radio waves, signal fluctuations, signal fading, slow fading, resource efficiency, Rayleigh-Rice distribution function, densities of probability laws distributionAbstract
The article examines the automatic microwave transmitter power control system (ATPCS). The ATPCS makes it possible to compensate for signal fluctuations by changing the transmitter power so that the signal at reception remains constant. The use of ATPCS is relevant for the microwave communication operations over multipath channels with fading, which include troposcatter communication channels. The application of the ATPCS system for perspective combined mobile digital troposcatter-radiorelay stations (MDTRRS) is considered. It is noted in the article that the ATPCS is most effective in combat slow fading, season fading and “diurnal variation”. However, the presence of the ATPCS in digital troposcatter communication stations also makes it possible to combat fast fading by using a short-term increase the transmitter power. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of the signal level falls below the threshold level and thereby to increase the reliability of communication. An approximate calculation of the signal delay time on the paths of troposcatter communication lines is presented in the article. The difficulties of implementing the ATPCS are investigated and a possible structural diagram of such system for MDTRRS is shown. It is noted that the implementation of the ATPCS makes it difficult to create a powerful microwave transmitter, including a solid-state transmitter. The most problematic is the setting of a threshold value for the probability of error and the threshold level of the received signal or signal-to-noise ratio. It is noted that the requirement for the correct choice of the regulation threshold level is a certain complexity of the implementation of the ATPCS. In the article an indicator of the energy gain of the ATPCS of a microwave station itself is introduced and tables of this indicator calculating for the Rayleigh-Rice law, Rayleigh's law and the logarithmic-normal law are presented. Expressions for the normalized correlation function, the radius of the temporal correlation of the troposcatter communication channel, the probability integral and the Rayleigh-Rice distribution function are presented. The transition from a function of two variables to a function of one variable is carried out and the Rayleigh-Rice distribution function is expressed in terms of the Bessel functions of the first kind. The dependence of the distribution of amplitudes according to the Rayleigh-Rice law on the reliability of communication is shown. In conclusion, it is proposed to determine the threshold value and the range of power adjustment of the ATPCS, including the MDTRRS.
Перелік посилань
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