One-Port Power Conservative Equivalent Circuit of DC Network with Dependent Voltage Sources




One-port equivalent circuit, power conservative, efficiency maximization


Known for more than a century the principle of the equivalent source, formulated in the form of Thevenen and Norton theorems, has recently been improved by introducing the requirement of energy equivalence of the primary network and its two-pole substitution circuit. Peculiarities and shortcomings of the existing two-pole substitution circuits that equivalent to the primary DC network are analyzed, and the purpose of the work is formulated: implementation of the new energy content of the equivalent source principle for the DC network’s class, containing both independent and dependent voltage sources and resistors, by developing a new two-pole substitution circuit and studying the conditions of its load coordination to achieve maximum efficiency. The first in this class four-element two-pole substitution circuit is proposed, which differs from the of Barbi’s circuit equivalent by the presence of a current source controlled by the load current, the output terminals of which are connected to the EMF source of an equivalent generator. The known formulas for calculating the element parameters of two-pole Tevenen and Barbi circuit equivalents were supplemented by new analytical dependences of the dependent current source parameter from vector and matrix coefficients of the primary circuit mesh current macromodel and experimental data of output pole rupture and closure experiments. New analytical relations have also been established for the calculations of the agreed load resistance and the maximum efficiency of the new two-pole substitution circuit. The reliability of the study results is confirmed by the equivalence of the obtained formulas with a known ratio, valid for another class of DC network, and virtual experiments to study the watt-volt characteristics and maximize the efficiency of the primary circuit. The obtained results can be used for energy optimization of DC network, the amplifying and converting elements of which are operated in a linear mode and modeled by dependent voltage sources.


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Radio Circuits and Signals

How to Cite

“One-Port Power Conservative Equivalent Circuit of DC Network with Dependent Voltage Sources” (2021) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (85), pp. 5–13. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2021.85.5-13.