Effects of Precipitation on the Performance of Shipboard Radar Installations





radar system, weather event, plane electromagnetic wave, absorption and scattering of electromagnetic radiation


Precipitation may affect a ship's radar performance, namely, attenuate a radar electromagnetic wave and thus hinder objects detection within the precipitation zone. The presence of precipitation along a path of electromagnetic wave propagation leads to a decrease in the range and probability of objects
detection. When an electromagnetic wave encounters precipitation particles, part of the carried energy converts into heat and dissipates in different directions. The reflected energy propagates toward the ship's radar antenna and creates false signals. This paper presents the results of modeling of
electromagnetic wave attenuation with regard to precipitation intensity in the precipitation zone. The proposed matrix of energy attenuation helps to establish the physics of the endoatmospheric
object and forecast the range of objects detection based on it. The study shows that radiophysical information about the desired object can be obtained by using the attenuation matrix with data on the strength of echo signals. It was established that coefficients in the echo signal attenuation matrix were influenced by precipitation intensity and polarization angles inside the precipitation zone. The greatest attenuation was seen with particles taking the form of flattened ellipsoids (this is common
during intense rainfall episodes). The elongated particles also were found to cause attenuation of the electromagnetic wave. Particles with a spherical shape, which are commonly formed as fog, were found to have no implications associated with the
electromagnetic signal attenuation. The results of the study can be useful in estimating attenuation of echo signals that propagate from objects to the ship's radar system under precipitation.


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How to Cite

Ревенко, В. Ю. (2020) “Effects of Precipitation on the Performance of Shipboard Radar Installations”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (83), pp. 47-54. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2020.83.47-54.



Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics