Detection, Localization, and Identification of Small Aircraft by Acoustic Radiation




unmanned aerial vehicles, direction finding, identification


Introduction. Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or drones, have recently been increasingly used in community service: environmental monitoring services, protection of territories and facilities, postal and courier services, and household services for individual needs. The growth of the drone market and their high availability is having the opposite effect, as more and more opportunities are being created for the use of small aircraft in criminal and terrorist acts. There is a need to develop means of monitoring the airspace of the location and identifcation of the drone in the presence of natural and industrial obstacles. The paper considers some approaches to localization and identifcation of small aircraft by their acoustic radiation.
Theoretical Results. A number of methods and ways
to detect, localize, and identify MLA by acoustic radiation were considered. The advantages and disadvantages of some methods are identifed and a sequence of solutions is proposed: to conduct observations by the method of controlled
correlation spatial characteristics; decision-making on the detection of the drone to be carried out by the energy method according to the predetermined characteristics of the detection; identifcation of the emitter should be carried out taking into account the correspondence of the number of motors and the range of frequencies of their rotation in the flight
mode the number of fundamental frequencies in the spectral signature.
Experiment. Verifcation of the proposed algorithm was carried out according to experimental data given in  [9]. The results of processing the records made in the above sequence can be assessed as satisfactory. Determining the angle of arrival of the sound wave according to the directionfnding was close to the expected 90o. The aircraft was identifed as a drone at a maximum detection distance 90 m, and the UAV as a quadcopter began to be classifed from 20 m.


Перелік посилань

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Bernardini A., Mangiatordi F., Pallotti E., Capodiferro L. (2017). Drone detection by acoustic signature identification. Electronic Imaging, Vol. 10, pp. 60-64. DOI:10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.10.IMAWM-168.

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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“Detection, Localization, and Identification of Small Aircraft by Acoustic Radiation” (2022) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (89), pp. 29–38. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2022.89.29-38.