Diagnosis of quality parameters of coal and liquid petroleum products by electromagnetic methods


  • S. V. Bukharov Dnipropetrovsk National University of O. Gonchar, Dnipropetrovsk
  • V. V. Ovsyanikov National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk




electromagnetic method for diagnosing the quality of diagnosis and management of quality parameters, dielectric constant, voltage standing wave ratio, attenuation, ash and caloric content.


The results of mathematical modeling of the waveguide and resonator methods for diagnosis of the parameters of quality of coal and liquid petroleum products (calorific value, ash, moisture). A new approach to defining the waveguide by the method of complex permittivity (CP) of the substance, based on the results of measuring its voltage standing wave ratio in probing the in some frequency range. Considered resonator method for determining the CP of liquid petroleum products by placing in the pipe cavity measuring cells. The possibility of controlling the quality of coal on the conveyor with the use of attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the layer under coal is study. The results of the research proposed to use for diagnostic and quality control of these substances to be transported on a conveyor belt or pipeline wire.

Author Biographies

  • S. V. Bukharov, Dnipropetrovsk National University of O. Gonchar, Dnipropetrovsk
    Бухаров С.В., старший викладач
  • V. V. Ovsyanikov, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk
    Овсяніков В.В., д.т.н., професор


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Theory and Practice of Radio Measurements

How to Cite

“Diagnosis of quality parameters of coal and liquid petroleum products by electromagnetic methods” (2011) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (45), pp. 120–130. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2011.45.120-130.