The study results steganography hiding messages in image files as vehicle security software


  • D. O. Navrotskyi National Aviation University, Kiev



steganography, cryptography, compression, discrete cosine Fourier, graphic adaptation


Synergetics of steganographic and cryptographic encryption algorithms, which provide a solid security foundation, is presented in this paper. Hiding messages systems in spatial and frequency domain image are compared and studied by the author. The following questions: Compression scheme JPEG , JPEG – transformation structure, Practical recommendations for hiding data to image files, The method of least significant bits (spatial domain) and the DCT coefficients values relative replacement method (frequency domain), Packing and unpacking the hidden message, Visual distortion image changing system parameters are considered.

Author Biography

  • D. O. Navrotskyi, National Aviation University, Kiev
    M.S., postgraduate student


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Information Security

How to Cite

“The study results steganography hiding messages in image files as vehicle security software” (2002) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (50), pp. 121–128. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2012.50.121-128.