Single-channel power meter for registration of human millimeter radiation


  • Ya. V. Savenko National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • O. V. Sychov National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev



measuring system, millimeter radiation, low-intensity radiation, biological cell, medical diagnostics


Introduction. The development of modern techniques for noninvasive diagnostic sets requirements to ensure complete diagnostic safety, efficiency, comprehensiveness while maintaining high reliability of quantitative results. One of the promising directions for creating such devices is based on the idea of using information properties of the extra low millimeter-wave radiation from the human body or other biological objects.

Problem definition. The main difficulty in registration of such radiation is associated with exceptionally low power electromagnetic field generated by the body and the absence lack of opportunities for effective their reception by the radiation sensitive receivers. This is a significant issue of physical media relevant information signals that ensure effective processes in the body.

Solutions to the problem. The absence of a necessary equipment for electromagnetic radiation registration of millimeter range extra low radiation until now makes impossible the diagnostics in this range. Power meter based on semiconductor sensors can improve the compactness of equipment, ease of use and efficiency in diagnostics.

Description of the model and experiment. The receiver located on the surface of the skin can get a signal from the cell body. The information status of cells in the deeper layers of the body is transferred to the surface of cells and is a modulating factor for the generated millimeter radiation. Three basic hardware portions that make up its technical support should be included in the diagnostic system. There are antenna measuring unit and interface process unit, storage and presentation of information. These signals can be detected and processed by a computer. The range of information signals estimated spectral characteristics of low-frequency envelope of the received signal can be used as informative features.

Application. Any disease of the body changes metabolic processes in cells, thereby initiating the process of functional reorganization and related variations in their radiation spectra of electromagnetic waves. Spectra electromagnetic waves in all possible frequency range will vary depending on the functional state of the controlled object. This pathologically altered cells, tissues or organs will produce disharmonious electromagnetic waves.

Conclusions. The functioning of healthy cells is accompanied oscillated fluctuations in the plasma membrane. Registration of these oscillations and their analysis reveals changes in disturbance in the functioning of the organism to asymptomatic stage of the disease. Millimeter waves generated by biological objects give the task of designing a multichannel radiation receiver with the level of self noise as lower as possible and high sensitivity.

Author Biographies

  • Ya. V. Savenko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Cand. Of Sci (Technics), associate professor
  • O. V. Sychov, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    undergraduate student



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Radioelectronics Medical Technologies

How to Cite

“Single-channel power meter for registration of human millimeter radiation” (2013) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (53), pp. 119–125. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2013.53.119-125.