Broadband antenna with frequency scanning


  • A. A. Shekaturin Sevastopol National Technical University, Sevastopol
  • D. A. Kovalchuk Sevastopol National Technical University, Sevastopol



broadband antenna, log-periodic antenna, vibrators, antenna matching, curved middle line


Relevance of this study. The main advantage of frequency scanning is simplicity of implementation. At this point, multifunctional usage of microwave modules is an urgent task, as well as their maximum simpler and cheaper.
Antenna design and operation. The study is aimed at providing electric antenna with frequency scanning. It was based on the log-periodic antenna due to its wideband and negotiation capability over the entire operating frequency range. For this distribution line is bent in an arc of a circle in a plane blade while vibrators are arranged along the radius.
Computer modeling of antennas with frequency scanning. Modeled with a non-mechanical motion antenna beam emitters representing system for receiving a radio frequency signal on mobile objects calculated for 1.8 GHz ... 4.2 GHz. The simulation was performed in a software environment for numerical modeling of electromagnetic «Feko 5.5». Analysis of the interaction of radiation is based on the method of moments.
Findings. The result of this work is to propose a new design of the antenna with a frequency scanning method as agreed in a wide frequency range. In the studied technical solution provided by the rotation of NAM in the frequency range, and the matching of the antenna to the feed line is maintained. Application of this type of antennas on the proposed technical solution in communication systems will improve the communication reliability by maintaining coordination in the frequency range

Author Biographies

  • A. A. Shekaturin, Sevastopol National Technical University, Sevastopol
    Postgraduate student
  • D. A. Kovalchuk, Sevastopol National Technical University, Sevastopol
    Cand. of Sci.(Techn.), Assoc. Prof.


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Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas

How to Cite

“Broadband antenna with frequency scanning” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (57), pp. 51–55. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.57.51-55.