The algorithm engineering for control of electromechanical system with the distributed parameters


  • V. I. Vasilіev Konotop institute of Sumy State University, Konotop



computer simulation, inertial properties, optimization of control, electromechanical systems, mine hoists, automatically adjustable emergency braking system


Introduction. A number of electromechanical systems have the complex dynamic properties. For their research it is convenient to use a method of structural modeling.
Statement of a task. The dynamic properties can be improved by the optimum laws of control.
Researches of mine hoist model. The method of computer simulations is used for research of mine hoists dynamics. The computer simulation results of dynamics of system with the concentrated and distributed parameters, elastic part are submitted at interaction it with a mechanical brake of elevating installation.
Synthesis of the optimal control device. The optimum law of control the complex system dynamic modes can be supplied with the help of the second order nonlinear filter. The technique of application is given.
Conclusions. The computer model of optimum control of process by criterion of decrease of dynamic overloads is developed and investigated. The technique of the device debugging is submitted. It sets optimum on minimization dynamic overloads the law of influence on brake system of the automatically regulated emergency braking of mining hoist.

Author Biography

  • V. I. Vasilіev, Konotop institute of Sumy State University, Konotop
    Васильєв В. І., к.т.н.


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Designing of Radio Equipment

How to Cite

“The algorithm engineering for control of electromechanical system with the distributed parameters” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (58), pp. 104–111. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.58.104-111.