The distortion of the spectrum of narrowband signal at a stepped approximating


  • Yu. F. Zin'kovskii Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • A. V. Koval' Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. V. Perevertun Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


narrowband signal, spectral distortion, speed approximation, continual signal


Reviewed distortion occurring in the spectrum of a narrowband signal at the transition from the continuum forms for submission to a stepped curve. Expressions are obtained to assess the dependence of the magnitude of the distortion of the relationship between the sampling frequency and the upper frequency range of the original continuum signal.

Author Biographies

Yu. F. Zin'kovskii, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Zin'kovskii Yu. F.

A. V. Koval', Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Koval' A. V.

V. V. Perevertun, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Perevertun V. V.


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