Dielektricheskii shar v koaksial'nom volnovode [Dielectric sphere in a coaxial waveguide]



dielectric resonator, TEM wave type, coaxial waveguide, spherical resonator


The calculation of the coupling coefficients of the dielectric resonator (DR) a spherical shape with TEM and higher types of waves coaxial waveguide, and the coefficients of mutual communication of non-degenerate vibrations of two spherical cavities. The influence of the symmetry of the structure of the natural oscillations of zero DR in the waveguide under degeneration. In the particular case of a circular waveguide found formulas go in relation to the coupling coefficients of spherical DR located misalignment, and for other on the axis of the circular waveguide coincide with the known.

Author Biography

A. A. Trubin, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Trubin A. A.


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