Issledovanie vliyaniya ionnoi obrabotki poverkhnosti pechatnykh plat na stabilizatsiyu rezhimov termokompressionnoi svarki rasshcheplennym elektrodom [Investigation of the influence of ionic surface treatment of printed circuit boards to stabilize the mod


  • S. G. Kaplunov Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. I. Sazonets Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


printed circuit boards, ionic surface treatment, thermocompression welding


The influence of treatment with argon ions of printed circuit boards (PCBs) to stabilize the modes thermocompression welding electrode split gold findings crystal BIS. The conducted experiments showed that the ion treatment to stabilize and reduce the welding parameters, thus, reduce the thermal load on the PCB contact pads and provide a reproducible quality of the welded joint. The optimal parameters of the process of ion cleaning.

Author Biographies

S. G. Kaplunov, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Kaplunov S. G.

V. I. Sazonets, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Sazonets V. I.


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