Povyshenie kachestva avtomaticheskoi trassirovki soedinenii mikroelektronnoi apparatury [Improving the quality of automatic trace connections of microelectronic devices]


  • L. V. Kartasheva Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. V. Parakhin Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


CAD, automatic routing, microelectronic devices, interference, parasitic parameters, communication line


The classification of noise induced in the "short" lines of communication of digital functional units (FU), the place of occurrence and nature of exposure. The reasons for the lack of a modern CAD subsystems to minimize the parasitic parameters of the communication lines. Suggested two options for process trace compounds flat constructs based on an acceptable level of interference. Based on the analysis of requirements for digital FU, made in the form of bilateral multi-layer printed circuit boards manufactured by layering capacity, and multilayer film microassemblies, recommended a set of constraints and the particular criteria for topology optimization.

Author Biographies

L. V. Kartasheva, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Kartasheva L. V.

V. V. Parakhin, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Parakhin V. V.


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