Optimization of signals detection systems on the background clutter





probabilistic criteria, Doppler phase, optimization, clutter, rejector filter, signals, detection system


Introduction. The article deals with the optimization of a moving target signals detection systems against clutter on probabilistic criteria. The object of research is the detection system implementing coherent rejection of clutter followed by coherent or non-coherent accumulation of rejection residues. The purpose is to optimize rejector filter weight coefficients depending on the correlation properties of clutter on probabilistic criteria.
Probabilistic characteristics of the detection systems. The expressions for the probability characteristics of the detection systems with coherent rejection clutter and subsequent coherent or non-coherent accumulation of rejection residues are obtained respectively. These expressions establish a functional relationship between the averaged on Doppler signal phase of the correct detection probability and correlation clutter parameters and detection system characteristics.
The optimization procedure. The criteria to optimize the weight vector of the rejector filter is listed. These criteria make it possible to communicate the optimal weight vector with clutter parameters on the basis of non-linear programming methods. The quasi-Newton iterative procedure for finding the optimal vector is shown. The restrictions are introduced on samples rejector filter frequency response to achieve unimodal extremum.
The numerical results of optimization. We consider the results of numerical optimization system of coherent rejection and subsequent non-coherent accumulation on probabilistic criteria. A comparison of their results with the same optimization of the rejector filter on energy criteria is conducted.
Conclusion. The proposed optimization method of detection systems on probabilistic criteria allows to obtain significant gains in the efficiency of detection signals compared with the optimization on energy criteria and to implement the limit efficiency for this class of systems.

Author Biography

  • D. I. Popov, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
    Popov D. I.


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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“Optimization of signals detection systems on the background clutter” (2017) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (68), pp. 33–37. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2017.68.33-37.