Evaluation of the quality characteristics of the radio electronic systems in the operation critical modes





radio electronic system, critical modes, information, qualitative characteristics


Introduction. Feature of the modern radio electronic systems is the need to ensure their effective functioning in conditions of the changing working conditions and the uncertainty regarding the internal factors and the external random factors. In such more and more often situations there are critical events of a diverse nature, when a number of target indicators of the system or functional characteristics of the environment go beyond the permissible limits. From the point of view of information analysis the critical situation arises under the condition of insufficient information support of processes in the radio electronic systems, the information loss and the restrictions on the operation time of radio electronic systems. The use of existing methods of information analysis for evaluating the qualitative characteristics of radio electronic systems in critical operating modes is not possible. This is due to several circumstances. Firstly, generally known methods are based on a static approach. Consequently, time limits for the work of radio electronic systems cannot be taken into account. Secondly, the dynamics of entering the critical regime remains hidden, this does not allow to evaluate the threat of an accident or disaster in the event of further deployment of critical events. In addition, it is impossible to predict the consequences of the information loss or the effect of deliberate interference on the radio systems characteristics. Thus, the task of evaluating the qualitative characteristics of radio electronic systems in critical operating modes is relevant and practically oriented.
Results. For solve the problem use the analogy method, which involves the reduction of predictive models and models of technical systems to the level of multi-elemental physical systems. The effectiveness of the radio electronic systems depends on the amount and value of incoming information in the functioning process. We will consider useful information and misleading or lost information taking into account the peculiarities of the radio electronic systems work in critical operating modes. On the basis of the partial quantitiesmethod the qualitative characteristics evaluating task of the radio electronic systems in the critical operating modes is solved. The need to use automated systems is due to the fact that the human operator can give way to technical means for the speed, timing of tasks and the amount of perceived information but it is the most flexible, versatile and active link. Thanks to the human operator, the intra-system interaction is combined into a single, purposeful process of functioning. Taken into account that in conditions of deliberate interferences with an unknown distribution of probabilities the main burden lies on the human operator. He uses a priori knowledge about the nature of useful signals and interferences, experience and intuition. A critical situation arises when disorientation and overloading of the operator is achieved. The classical results of the application of the partial-value method were supplemented by information components enabled to take into account the information capabilities of typical dynamic links and relative errors of the transition process. For automatic systems the dependence of the error on time, the initial values of the partial values and the constant time of the dynamic units is established. The essential factor was that the dynamic properties of the human-operator, which follows the object in the conditions of interference is taken into account, and the requirements for the time of its operation is established.
Conclusions. The obtained results allow us to proceed to a qualitatively new level of macroscopic analysis of radio electronic systems, give an opportunity to evaluate their characteristics in critical operating modes and to predict these characteristics at the initial stage of the design of radio electronic systems.

Author Biographies

  • V. O. Bychkovskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
    Bychkovskyi V. O.
  • Yu. Yu. Reutska, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
    Reutskaya Yu. Yu.


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Computing methods in radio electronics

How to Cite

“Evaluation of the quality characteristics of the radio electronic systems in the operation critical modes” (2017) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (71), pp. 60–66. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2017.71.60-66.