The macroscopic analysis of ergatic systems


  • V. O. Bychkovskyi National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute
  • Yu. Yu. Reutskaya National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute



ergatic system, the macroscopic analysis, information, probability


Introduction. System "man-machine" (ergatic system) is characterized by the extreme complexity of the internal and external relationships and their dependence on a very large number of factors. Macroscopic analysis makes it possible to move from random intra-systems mikrointeraction to some regular process at a sufficiently high level of formalization of phenomena and processes. From the point of view of the macroscopic approach is advisable to allocate ergatic system hardware and the human operator and establish the laws of their interaction.
Problem statement. In order to solve the problem of the macroscopic analysis of ergatic system will take into account the fact that the system provides for completing a certain number of tasks the operator and technical means. In operation, the ergatic system is a redistribution of tasks performed and outstanding (operations) provided for the operator and equipment. To solve the problem of analysis of ergatic system at the macroscopic level is necessary to make the dynamic equation describing the processes of change in the number of tasks due to receipt of the relevant information in a load transfer between the operator and the technical means of ergatic system.
Theoretical results. Macroscopic approach to the problem of analysis ergatic system considered. A model that describes the process of load transfer between the human operator and technical facilities offered. Patterns of change in the probability of indicators of the amount of information available to a human operator clarified. The dependence of the probability parameters of the information capacity of the human operator is established. A typical situation, which corresponds to the termination of an information support ergatic system and the additional load of the human operator, is considered.
Conclusion. The results make it possible to translate the analysis procedure ergatic system to a new level that takes into account the information nature of processes and the redistribution of the load between the human operator and technical means. The dependence of the probability parameters on the human operator information capacity is established.

Author Biographies

  • V. O. Bychkovskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute
    Bychkovskyi V. O.
  • Yu. Yu. Reutskaya, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute
    Reutska Yu. Yu.


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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“The macroscopic analysis of ergatic systems” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (59), pp. 76–84. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.59.76-84.

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