Statistical Estimates of the Accuracy of Mono-Pulse Direction Finding of Sources of Radioemission by Dual-Channel Phase Devices
statistical estimation, radio emission source, signal, bearing base, signal to noise ratio, wavelength, bearing, device.Abstract
Formulation of the problem in general. The practice of radio monitoring indicates that information should be obtained on a time-to-real scale, with maximum speed and minimum time loss; the accuracy of the estimation of the parameters of the radioemission sources and their bearings should be maximized; the probability of recognizing and classifying sources and objects is no less than a given one. This confirms the existence of a problematic situation, which is caused by the existing contradiction between modern requirements for ensuring high speed, accuracy and reliability in the process of obtaining information, data and information and technical capabilities of modern radio monitoring facilities.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Currently, mono-pulse routing techniques are mainly designed to monitor radar signals where most of the signal parameters are known (example, carrier frequency, duration, period or frequency of pulse repetition, signal spectrum width, frequency deviation, signal to noise ratio). But in the conditions of partial or complete uncertainty of parameters, mono-pulse radar methods lose their efficiency and become unsuitable.
Presenting the main material. The statistical estimates of the accuracy of the mono-pulse two-channel phasometric direction finding method, which provides unbiased, efficient and optimal estimates with a given probability and minimal mathematical expectation and variance, are calculated. The gain in the accuracy of direction finding when using two-phase phase direction finders will be determined by the ratio of the mean squared errors of the coarse and precise direction channels and equal to the inverse of the magnitudes of the phasometric bases of both channels.
Conclusion. The use of mono-impulse dual-channel phase-finding method and defining the parameters of radioemission sources ensure unbiased, efficient and optimal estimates with a given probability and minimal mathematical expectation and variance. The minimization of the mathematical expectation and variance of the statistical estimates of the parameters of radio sources when using the two-channel phasometric method can be assured by rational choice of the magnitude of the phasometric bases of coarse and accurate channels and depends on the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the direction finder and the accuracy of the carrier frequency measurement.
The perspectives of future researches. One of the directions of further researches can be considered the solution of the problem of development of the combined amplitude-phase method (method) of bearing with synthesis of structural circuits of devices conducting mono-impulse bearing of sources of radio emission of telecommunication networks, which provide optimal estimation of relative radiation analysis evaluation of their quality indicators.
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