Recommendations for Implementation of Data Flow Control Method Based on Different Priorities in Stationary Component of Communication System of Armed Forces of Ukraine
routing, flow control means, information and telecommunication network, transport network, quality of serviceAbstract
Relevance. The task of increasing the productivity of the communication system stationary component of the Armed Forces of Ukraine requires the introduction of appropriate new methods for controlling the data flow of different priorities, which should be further implemented in modern routing protocols in accordance with the concept of next generation networks.
Method. The method of data flow control based on different priorities in the communication system stationary component of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is investigated. The aforementioned method consists of the following stages: monitoring and analysis of initial data; formation of the required parameters vector; formation of metrics for the use of network resources; statement of the mathematical optimization problem; solution of the optimization problem. Within the framework of the method, the coordinated solution of the problems of multipath routing and adaptive limitation of the flow rate at the border of the information and telecommunication network is provided on the basis of different priorities.
Results. The method on a specific example of the network structure using the ''Optimization Toolbox'' of the Matlab software package is studied in the article. Practical recommendations are developed for the practical implementation of the method in the stationary component of the communication system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Conclusions. Based on the simulation results, it is established that the method implementation in modern technological solutions increases the productivity of the information and telecommunication network by an average of (10-20) %, and the quality of service with the probability of packet delivery by (1-3) %. The proposed method meets the requirements of the Traffic Engineering data flow control concept. It is noted that in order to validate the adequacy and reliability of the improved method in the future, it is necessary to conduct a full-scale experiment on real network equipment.
Перелік посилань
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