Method of analogue signal sampling on the basis of lowering dimension non-expansive compact uniformly continuous mapping


  • E. E. Fedorov Donetsk Academy of Motor Transport, Donetsk



signal processing, sampling model, compact uniformly continuous mapping, compact Polish spaces, discrete sets, identification and the control of dynamic objects condition


The work purpose is creation of the method for analogue signal digitization on the basis of lowering dimension non-expansive compact uniformly continuous mapping operating in compact metric spaces for computer systems of classification of dynamic objects and diagnostics of their condition.

Construction of sets of the continuous bounded functions; construction of continuous mapping lowering dimension for sets of the continuous bounded functions; construction com-pact Polish (separable full metric) spaces; construction of lowering dimension non-expansive compact uniformly continuous mapping operating in compact Polish spaces; construction of model of digitization are carried out to solve this task.

Criterion of digitization speed (based on a minimum of digitization time on model), criterion of classification probability (based on a minimum of full probability of a digitization error) and criterion of model adequacy (based on a minimum of a root-mean-square error) are offered to estimate the efficiency of the created model.

The approaches for the functional analysis focused on analogue signal digitization are used in the article unlike the majority of works on digital signal processing.

The analogue signal digitization on time is carried out on a basis of ε-networks. The analogue signal digitization on level is carried out based on set of final linear combinations of functions-indicators and to increase the digitization accuracy of the digital not recursive filter.

The developed method and digitization model can be used in various analogue-digital converters of computer systems for the general and a special purpose.

Author Biography

E. E. Fedorov, Donetsk Academy of Motor Transport, Donetsk

Doc. Of Sci (Technics), associate professor


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How to Cite

Федоров, Є. (2013) “Method of analogue signal sampling on the basis of lowering dimension non-expansive compact uniformly continuous mapping”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, 0(53), pp. 42-49. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2013.53.42-49.



Radio Circuits and Signals