Simulation of the normalized signal distortion monochromatic microwave generators


  • A. F. Yanenko National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • D. N. Yasinskiy National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev



microwave resonance therapy, the normalized distortion, harmonics, Fourier transform, mm-range


We consider the disadvantages of monochromatic generators for microwave resonance therapy mm range, the main of which is a narrow frequency range. Proposed method for extending the operating frequency range normalized by the distortion of a harmonic signal of the reference oscillator with a further release of the second and third harmonics of the signal. In the process of modeling the level of signal distortion is used for the Fourier transform of periodic functions. As a result of simulation showed the possibility of optimizing the ratio of the amplitudes of the second and third harmonics are sufficient for the construction of wide-range mm-range oscillators used in the technologies of quantum medicine.

Author Biographies

  • A. F. Yanenko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    D. of. Sci (Techn), Prof.
  • D. N. Yasinskiy, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev


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Radioelectronics Medical Technologies

How to Cite

“Simulation of the normalized signal distortion monochromatic microwave generators” (2012) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (49), pp. 178–183. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2012.49.178-183.

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