Transmission gain of a system of cylindrical dielectric resonators coupled with a microstrip line


  • I. V. Trubarov National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev



dielectric resonator, transmission gain, microwave frequencies, amplitudefrequency characteristic, coupling coefficient, microstrip line, antenna, coupled oscillation, frequency splitting.


The method of analytical calculation of gain of a system of cylindrical dielectric resonators in case of their orthogonal orientation relative to an edge microstrip line is stated. Two ways of experimental determination of value of coupling coefficient between the resonators by evanescent waves of microstrip line are stated: measuring frequency splitting value and by force of least squares method. It is disclosed, that the dependence of coupling coefficient between resonators by evanescent waves versus a distance between them can be approximated by exponential function. The comparison between experimental and theoretical data is provided.

Author Biography

  • I. V. Trubarov, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Трубаров І.В., аспірант Інституту телекомунікацій


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Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas

How to Cite

“Transmission gain of a system of cylindrical dielectric resonators coupled with a microstrip line” (2011) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (45), pp. 100–107. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2011.45.100-107.