Standing out of Radiosignals on the Background of Noises Based on the Effect of Stochastic Resonance




stochastic resonance, stochastic resonator, signal-to-noise ratio, matched filter, dispersion, white Gaussian noise, radiosignal, linear frequency modulated signal, phase-code-manipulated signal, noise factor


The main and most difficult problem of signals receiving is the problem of noise immunity to find the best methods of receiving radio signals in the presence of interference.  

The analysis of radio signals standing out with the help of stochastic resonance effect are given. The linear frequency modulated and phase-code-manipulated signals are considered as an object of research. Linear frequency modulated phase-code-manipulated signals are widely used in radar and telecommunication systems.

The phenomenon of stochastic resonance is a type of cooperative effect of noise and weak signal under a certain non-linear circumstance, in which the weak signal can be amplified and detected by a suitable amount of noise. The stochastic resonance is observed, quantified, and described in a plethora of physical and biological systems, including neurons. Stochastic resonance is an interdisciplinary concept and is found in various fields of science from sociology to medicine and physics.

The amplitude spectrum of the radio signal and the process at the output of the stochastic resonator are calculated. The possibility of the signal amplifying and noise reducing at the stochastic resonator output is shown.

Dependence of signal-to-noise ratio at stochastic resonance output is determined for signal model in form of additive mixture of radio signal and white Gaussian noise at different values of variance of input noise. It is shown that at any noise dispersion value the signal-to-noise ratio at the stochastic resonator output is higher than at the output of the matched filter. Matched filter is derived to maximize signal to noise ratio.

In addition, the dependence of the noise factor of the stochastic resonator on the noise dispersion at the input is determined. The noise factor is greater than one and increases with the input noise level.

The stochastic resonance effect is shown to provides the standing out of the radio signal against the background white Gaussian noise.


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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“Standing out of Radiosignals on the Background of Noises Based on the Effect of Stochastic Resonance” (2021) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (86), pp. 39–44. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2021.86.39-44.