Estimation of the LTE relay influence on the cell




4G, LTE-ADVANCED, , cell, Relay Node, radio interface, radius, throughput, Uplink


Problem definition. Information technologies are constantly evolving. This process leads to an annual traffic increasing. Also requirements to infocommunication nerworks are increasing too. It stimulates the development of new technologies that will be able to satisfy the growing needs of users. At the present stage of evolution of world telecommunication technologies in mobile communications development and implementation of the fourth generation standard (4G) networks are relevant. This type of networks provides a higher data rate and high quality of service with an overall decrease in operating costs of telecommunications equipment. One of the most relevant technologies is Long Term Evolution (LTE), which is the development of the third generation UMTS networks. Now there is a standard of 3GPP - LTE-Advanced, which is an improvement of LTE and the official wireless communications standard of the 4th generation. Relay Nodes has appeared in LTE-Advanced networks for more effective scheduling. Relay catches the signal from a Mobile Station, amplifies it and transmit it further to a Base Station.
Selecting the optimal location of relay. In this paper we consider one LTE cell and one repeater type I (in-band, half-duplex). For this type of relay we calculate the best position of installation. The calculated value of the cell radius is 400 m for densely populated city. The type of division duplex is TDD, the frame configuration is 2, the width of the frequency band is 10 MHz. To calculate the cell radius COST231 Hata s 3GPP TS 25.996 v9.0.0 model for urban macro network is used. Scheduling scheme uses an algorithm Fair Work Conserving (FWC). FWC relates to such type of algorithms that operate on a resource allocation equally between the users. Users connect to the network at the speed of λ, which may be various.
Estimation of the LTE relay influence on the cell. From these simulation results, we can conclude that the larger amount of resource blocks allocated to the subscriber leads to a smaller distance between the Base Station and Relay Node. Also the influence of the Relay Node on the overall throughput of the cell is investigated. Using Relay Node can increase Uplink cell capacity to 10%. The obtained results can be used for LTE network planning.

Author Biographies

  • V. Ya. Voropayeva, Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk

    Professor of Automatic and Telecommunication Department


  • Y. O. Yushkevich, Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk

    B.S., Undergraduate student


Перелік посилань

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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“Estimation of the LTE relay influence on the cell” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (57), pp. 68–76. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.57.68-76.