Overview of Detection and Localization Methods of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
drone, small unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, detection, maximum detection rangeAbstract
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones are widely used in many areas, but at the same time, the number of offenses with their use began to overgrow. Therefore, the problem of detecting drones is relevant. The study presented in the article aims to compare and critically analyze the main methods and means of detecting small unmanned aerial vehicles. The paper explored the potential of the following drone detection methods: optical, radar, and acoustic methods. The optical method has been found to involve high-resolution cameras during daylight hours but is too dependent on natural environmental factors such as rain or fog. In the dark, infrared optical devices are usually used to detect drones. The main disadvantages of this approach are the low maximum range of target detection and absorption of infrared radiation by the atmosphere, except for ''windows'' with the wavelengths limits of 3-4 and 8-12 mm. As a result of the above calculations, the range of target determination by the optical method is about 230 meters, and with the use of an IR receiver, 73 meters. The radar methods are divided into active and passive. Radar systems can operate at any time of the day and allow detecting low-flying aircraft at distances of up to several kilometers (9.3 km). By analyzing the spectrum of the RF signal, we can get the most detailed information about the target. The main disadvantage of radar methods is that all radars do not work in the near-field zone. It has been determined that acoustic sensors allow efficient detection of small unmanned aerial vehicles, despite the topography of the environment, but the results depend on the available acoustic background noise and interference. The effective target detection range is about 75 meters. The article compares the calculation results, based on experimental data, of the detection range of the small unmanned aerial vehicle «DJI Mini 2 Fly More Combo». In conclusion, the study specifies that the most effective approach is a combination of known methods for detecting UAVs, and recommendations are given regarding the construction of such systems.
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