Structurally technical the aspects of measuring of concentration of easy aeroions are In-process considered the method of the opened collector


  • O. L. Korenivska Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr



easy aeroions, method of the opened collector, measuring device, concentration of aeroions


Вasic methods of measuring of concentration of easy aeroions, the features of their use, advantage, and failings are certain. It is suggested to use the method of the opened collector for measuring the concentration of easy aeroions. Technical and construction features are described realization of this method, which allow to conduct measuring of concentration of easy aeroions of air space of environment regardless of their state, closeness and speed of moving. A device, which will realize the method of the opened collector, which provides high exactness, sensitiveness and measuring speed, and also allows to conduct measuring in the concrete point of space, is described, to look after and fix intensity of concentration of electric charges of aeroions. Experimental verification of capacity of this method is conducted.

Author Biography

  • O. L. Korenivska, Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr
    Коренівська О.Л., асистент


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Патент України на винахід №94169 від 11.04.2011 Аероіонний мікрокулонометр; Манойлов В.П., Мартинчук П.П., Коренівська О.Л.; Бюл. №7.





Theory and Practice of Radio Measurements

How to Cite

“Structurally technical the aspects of measuring of concentration of easy aeroions are In-process considered the method of the opened collector” (2012) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (49), pp. 142–150. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2012.49.142-150.

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