Opredelenie parametrov magnitnykh plenok so strukturoi granata [Defining the parameters of magnetic films with garnet structure]


  • M. G. Balinskii Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • A. S. Beregov Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. G. Oblamskii Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • I. V. Stashuk Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


magnetic film, film with garnet structure, anisotropy, magnetization, saturation, epitaxial films, ferromagnets


The design procedure of the first anisotropy constant and saturation magnetization of ferromagnets epitaxial films with cubic anisotropy. The formulas for calculations in the planes (110) and (111).

Author Biographies

  • M. G. Balinskii, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Balinskii M. G.
  • A. S. Beregov, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Beregov A. S.
  • V. G. Oblamskii, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Oblamskii V. G.
  • I. V. Stashuk, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Stashuk I. V.


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