Izmerenie koeffitsienta elektromekhanicheskoi svyazi tonkikh p'ezoelektricheskikh plenok s pomoshch'yu ustanovki lazernogo zondirovaniya [Measurement of electromechanical coupling coefficient of piezoelectric thin films by setting the laser sensing]


  • Yu. N. Borodii Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • A. P. Zapunnyi Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. K. Lopushenko Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


electromechanical coupling coefficient, piezoelectric thin film, laser sensing


A method for determining the electromechanical coupling coefficient of piezoelectric thin films by setting the laser probing, thus reducing the measurement error of up to 5%. Experimental results for a film of zinc oxide on the thermal stability of fused quartz and glass S79-2.

Author Biographies

  • Yu. N. Borodii, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Borodii Yu. N.
  • A. P. Zapunnyi, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Zapunnyi A. P.
  • V. K. Lopushenko, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Lopushenko V. K.


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