Adaptivnye algoritmy obnaruzheniya shumovykh signalov po kriteriyu maksimal'nogo pravdopodobiya [Adaptive algorithms for detecting noise signals maximum likelihood]


  • Yu. A. Padiryakov Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


adaptive algorithms, noise detection signals, maximum likelihood, Gaussian random signal


The influence of the restrictions on the range of possible solutions of the likelihood in the synthesis of adaptive algorithms for detecting Gaussian stationary random signals in Gaussian stationary random noise maximum likelihood under a priori uncertainty about the power spectral density of signals and noise. It is shown that for a large number of unknown parameters of the signal and noise restrictions increases the average noise immunity detection algorithm for maximum likelihood, and that the adhesive reduces its sensitivity to material differences between the levels of noise in the signal and reference channels.

Author Biography

  • Yu. A. Padiryakov, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Padiryakov Yu. A.


Репин В. Г. Тартаковский Г. П. Статистический синтез при априорной неопределенности и адаптация информационных систем. М., Сов. радио, 1977. 432 с.



