Umen'shenie chisla operatsii pri poverke fazometrov [Reducing the number of transactions for verification phase meters]


  • L. D. Ogorodniichuk Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


verification phase meters, Lagrange method, the number of transactions


A method for calibration of phase meters, the implementation of which requires a small number of operations. Studies carried out by the method of Lagrange. It is shown that the gain in the number of operations compared with known methods can be hundreds of times or more.

Author Biography

  • L. D. Ogorodniichuk, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Ogorodniichuk L. D.


Арутин А. А., Яковлев Б. Ф., Скрипник Ю. А., Маевский С. М. Способ измерения значений погрешности электронных фазометров. А.с. № 263035

(СССР). Опубликовано в БИ, 1970, № 7.

Методика поверки электронных фазометров. МИ-17-74. М., Изд-во стандартов, 1975. 31 с.

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