Transients in pyroelectric converters


  • Yu. N. Bondarenko Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


transients, pyroelectric converter, the settling time of the transition process, electric inertia drive, inertia of the processes of heat transfer, pyroelectric


It is considered the nature of the pyroelectric converter output voltage transient using a metal film heating elements. It is shown that the time of the establishment of the transition process depends on the inertia of the electric drive and the inertia of heat transfer from the heater to the pyroelectric. As shown by theoretical studies, the minimum pulse width that can be reproduced by the transducer with an accuracy of 1 - 5%, is 1 - 0.2 ms.

Author Biography

  • Yu. N. Bondarenko, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

    Bondarenko Yu. N.


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