Application of plasma attenuator for microwave power level control


  • V. L. Kofanov Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. Т. Zhukovsky Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


power level control, plasma attenuators, time constant, relaxation oscillations, adjusting the power level is especi


Correlations for the calculation of the circuit back coupling time constant of control power level system using filter which removes signal parasitic amplitude modulation are derived. System is described in which coefficient of the stabilization 250—300 is obtained when changing the input power level is 15—25 db.

Author Biographies

  • V. L. Kofanov, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Кофанов В. Л.
  • V. Т. Zhukovsky, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Жуковский В. Т.


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Kofanov V. L., Zhukovsky V. Т. Application of plasma attenuator for microwave power level control.


