То the question of the location of an impulse series on a time axis in the presence of noise


  • W. G. Balizkaja Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • B. A. Nizschegolsky Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


package of pulses, white noise, error estimate, pulse duration, interval between pulses


The problem of location of a high-frequency impulse series with occasional and independent phases with a rectangular envelope on the background of white noise with regular and irregular impulse distribution in the series is considered. Relationships for the error determination with fixing the series location on the time axis depending on the quality of impulses, the distribution of impulses in the series and the length ratio of the intervals between the impulses T to the impulse length τ0 are derived.

Author Biographies

  • W. G. Balizkaja, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Balizkaja W. G.
  • B. A. Nizschegolsky, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Nizschegolsky B. A.


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