Electrostatic collector’s field investigations with the help of electronic probe


  • М. V. Derenovsky Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • N. В. Pirogova Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


electron probe, Microwave devices, electrostatic field, space charge in the collector


In this article the possibility of practical use of probe beam method is considered. I t ’s shown how to find out space charge field distribution in microwave tubes collectors using results of probe beam measurements of investigated space of the collectors cross-sections. Such investigations are necessary in special collector system design for microwave tubes of high efficiency.

Author Biographies

  • М. V. Derenovsky, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Derenovsky М. V.
  • N. В. Pirogova, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Pirogova N. В.


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