Analiz khvylovykh protsesiv u volokonno-optychnykh rozpodiliuvachakh-sumatorakh [Analysis of wave processes in fiber optic distributor-adder]


  • M. I. Prokofiev Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


wave processes, optical signals, own wave, Bessel functions


An analysis based on the principle of wave approach distributor-adders optical signals which design created with zhhuta optical fibers close to each other by heating and stretching. Changing the degree of connection between the fibers in this design is quite slow, and the area of communication - catenary. The process of distribution of radiation on individual fibers treated as the interaction of the waves. An algorithm for determining the characteristics of their own waves at a certain interval length field of communication. Indicated that for sufficiently accurate results must accurately compute Bessel functions.

Author Biography

  • M. I. Prokofiev, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Prokofiev M. I.


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