Bahatofunktsionalnyi kombinovanyi biostymuliator refleksohennykh zon liudyny [Multifunctional combined human biostimulants of reflex zones]


  • M. F. Bohomolov Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • V. I. Pravda Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • Ia. V. Savenko Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


biostimulants, human reflex zones, electromagnetic radiation


The question of adjusting the human immune system by means of electromagnetic radiation combined optical and microwave. Shows the structural and functional properties of multifunctional combined biostimulator human reflex zones.

Author Biographies

  • M. F. Bohomolov, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Bohomolov M. F.
  • V. I. Pravda, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Pravda V. I.
  • Ia. V. Savenko, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Savenko Ia. V.


Правда В. И., Богомолов Н. Ф. Многофункциональный биостимулятор рефлексогенных зон и точек аккупункгуры оптического и СВЧ-диапазонов // Датчики-94. – Каунас, 1994. – С. 38-39.

Pravda V., Bogomolov N. Savenko Y. Multifunction combined laser and UHF biological stimulator for the correction of the immune system and prevention of drugaddiction // The European Biomedical Optics Symposium Week. Bios Europe’97, Sanremo, Italy, 1997. – P. 96-98.



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