The implementation of arithmetic operations on the language PL/1 with numbers, which have the absolute orders of magnitude more than the stated values


  • Ya. K. Trokhimenko Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • N. I. Yastrebov Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • L. V. Gaevaya Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev


programming techniques, assembly instructions, normalized floating-point numbers


It is offered effective programming techniques in language PL / 1 of arithmetic operations with numbers in which the mantissa and orders are represented by different variables. PL / 1 operators are used in such a way as to minimize the number of assembly instructions that implement them. Normalization of floating-point operations performed without multiplication and logarithms.

Author Biographies

Ya. K. Trokhimenko, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Trokhimenko Ya. K.

N. I. Yastrebov, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Yastrebov N. I.

L. V. Gaevaya, Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Gaevaya L. V.


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