System Choice of Optimal Technological 3D MID Solution




optimum version, card of properties, basic characteristics, MID technology, making of decision


Modern General statement of a problem. Modern Three-Dimensional Molded Interconnect Devices (3D-MID) technology of injection-molded thermoplastic circuit carriers with structured circuit traces has proved to be an effective way to solve the problem of increasing active component density by integration of interconnections into a package. Technology has many variants of realization with specific intrinsic strengths and weaknesses Due to a contradictory character of requirements to technical and economic characteristics of technological solution; choice of the last is not unambiguous. As a matter of fact, today one has no formalized methodology of such choice realization under different terms of a decision-making situation. The aim of this research was to develop an effective methodology of technological process choice for either defined devices manufacturing or organization of new business in accordance with possibilities and aims of developer and customer.
Main results of research. 3D-MID technologies as well as possibilities of optimal 3D-MID technology choice according to Thomas Peitz’ methodology of properties cards are analysed. After analysis results the extension of the list of technological process base properties from eight to sixteen is suggested, providing the opportunity of taking into account certain important features of MID technology introduction. It is also proposed to use the combined properties cards of several preliminary selected MID technologies for visualization of their strengths and weaknesses and simplifying the decision-making procedure of the best-fit process for the MID basic solution. Several versions of such combined cards applying the extended characteristic set are built for the different situations of initial choice.
Conclusions and recommendations. The described methodology simplifies the choice of 3D MID process according to specific production potentialities, producer tasks and customer requirements.

Author Biographies

  • L. K. Hlinenko, Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Fast V. M.
  • V. M. Fast, Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Hlinenko L. K.


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Designing of Radio Equipment

How to Cite

“System Choice of Optimal Technological 3D MID Solution” (2017) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (69), pp. 56–61. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2017.69.56-61.