Optimum algorithms of division two mutually unortogonal signals


  • V. F. Yerokhin National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
  • Ye. V. Peleshok National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev




optimum algorithms, unortogonal signals, multiuser detection


«Base» algorithms are considered coherent, kvazikogerentnogo and un-coherent – autocorrelation division of useful digital signal and similar to him unortogonal hindrance which exceeds an useful signal on instantaneous power. Under un-coherent treatment of signals  is  understand  a  situation,  when  one  of  two  vzaemnozavazhayuchikh  signals demodulyuet'sya coherently (kvazikogerentno), and second – non-coherent (autocorrelation). Practical application of these algorithms allows to realize the repeated use of frequencies, busy at powerful radiations, – for example, on the second basis. Thus a basic user at some additionalss can even and not to notice the fact of the repeated use of frequencies.

Author Biographies

V. F. Yerokhin, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Doc. of Sci (Techn.), Prof.

Ye. V. Peleshok, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Єрохін, В. and Пелешок, Є. (2012) “Optimum algorithms of division two mutually unortogonal signals”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, 0(49), pp. 33-41. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2012.49.33-41.



Radio Circuits and Signals