Mathematical Modeling Method of Radiocommunication System Functioning (Multi-Tensor Method)
mathematical modeling, radio communication system, multiway routing, intelligence availability, information flow, tensor calculus.Abstract
Introduction. In connection with appearance of new generation radio intelligence systems in many countries in the world, there is a discrepancy between the capabilities of existing radio communication systems to combat radio intelligence and the capabilities which needed to combat modern radio intelligence systems. This discrepancy requires the further development of electronic warfare methods of radio communication systems with new generation radio intelligence systems.One of the most promising directions of researches in this field is the mathematical modeling of radio communication systems functioning with the help of various tensor models with imposition restrictions on the intensity of information flows, timing and reliability of information passing, system load, etc. But the possibilities of this apparatus of mathematical modeling for solving the problems of new generation combating radio intelligence systems are somewhat limited (namely, it does not take into account the intelligence availability of individual radio stations, lines of direct communication and routes of information flows, which necessitates its further development).
Therefore, the purpose of the article is the further development of the method of mathematical modeling of the functioning of the radio communication system on the basis of the apparatus of a tensor number in the interests of solving the multiway routing problem for adapting it to the problem of combating new generation radio intelligence systems.
The article proposes a method for mathematical modeling of the radio communication system operation (a multi-tensor method), which is the basis for solving the problem of multiway routing and in addition to known restrictions of maintenance of acceptable average delay of information flow on route, required probability of timely delivery of information flow, acceptable deviation from average delay of information flow also considers restriction of route intelligence availability of information flows, which is essential military for radio communication. It is shown that the reduction of radio communication system model to the tensor type, based on the geometrization of its structure with the introduction of discrete space, allows us to describe the system with a tetravalent geometric object of mixed measurement – a multitenzer and to determine the routes of information flows with acceptable intelligence availability.
Перелік посилань
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