Control of the modified chaotic Chua's circuit using threshold method



chaos, Chua, control, threshold method


Introduction. General scientific fields where can be used circuits that realize chaotic behavior and generate chaotic oscillations are presented.Methods for control of chaotic oscillations are also presented. For modelling, analysis and demonstrate results was selected MultiSim software environment.
Modelling and Analysis of Non-Linear Element. This modified Chua’s circuit has a simple non-linear element, designed to have a piecewise-linear characteristic, that is, a combination of an opamp with two diodes that are mutually inline. For realization of nonlinearity, for two diodes do not need a separate power source, only one bipolar power source for the opamp is enough. The scheme for modelling of the nonlinear element and the results of computer simulation, i.e. the volt-ampere characteristic (VAC) at certain values of the components of the scheme's nominal values, is presented. This modified Chua's circuit, which generates a chaotic and controlled attractor with a fixed period, can be used in modern transmission and reception systems of information.
Modeling and Analysis of the Modified Chaotic Chua’s Generator. System’s behavior is investigated through numerical simulations, by using well known tools of nonlinear theory, such as chaotic attractor and time distributions of the chaotic coordinates.
Threshold Method for Control of Chaotic Oscillations. System of equations that realize chaotic oscillations of Chua's circuit is presented. Using threshold method was practical realization of the control of chaotic attractor. This modified Chua’scircuit that generate a chaotic and controlled attractor with a fixed period can be used in modern systemstransmitting and receiving information. Number of periodic (controlled) attractor can be used as a keys formasking of information carrier.
Conclusions. For the first time was used threshold method forcontrol of chaotic oscillations for modified Chua’schaotic generator. This modified Chua’s circuit thatgenerate a chaotic and controlled attractor with afixed period can be used in modern systems transmittingand receiving information. Number of periodic(controlled) attractor can be used as a keys for maskingof information carrier.

Author Biographies

  • V. B. Rusyn, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

    Rusyn V. B., PhD, Department of Radio Engineering and Information Security

  • L. Pribylova, Masaryk University

    Pribylova L., Ph.D., Assistant professor 

  • D. -G. Dimitriu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

    Dimitriu Dan-Gheorghe, PhD, Associate Professor


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Computing methods in radio electronics

How to Cite

“Control of the modified chaotic Chua’s circuit using threshold method” (2018) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (75), pp. 61–65. Available at: (Accessed: 9 February 2025).