Synthesis of Waveguide-Planar Filters on Stepped-Impedance Resonators




bandpass filters, millimeter waves, microwave hybrid integrated circuits, stepped-impedance resonators


The paper presents the results of the development of E-plane filters with inhomogeneous resonators, proposed by the authors recently. The characteristic of the proposed filters demonstrates the attenuation poles, which significantly improves selective properties in stopband. The nature and behavior of it has been carefully discussed. The paper also presents the proposed method of direct filter synthesis, which allows to obtain the dimensions of the elements of the topology which, in the worst case, require only minor changes in the procedure of their optimization. The influence of losses on the characteristics of the filter was researched in detail. For this purpose the quality factor of filter resonators was measured in the eight-millimeter wavelength range. According to the calculations, a four-cavity filter with a central frequency f0 = 30 GHz and a bandwidth of Δf = 2 GHz was manufactured and measured. The measured characteristics of the filter satisfactorily coincide with the results of simulation of its characteristics. The losses in the bandwidth do not exceed 1 dB – a value that is only 0.4÷0.5 dB higher than the loss of a similar filter with homogeneous resonators. In general, the results obtained in this work show that this new class of E-plane filters can successfully replace the known E-plane filters in cases where the significant (up to 30 %) reducing of their size and improvement of the selective properties is necessary. The use of proposed filters guarantees the by significant expanding of the stopband and increasing of the attenuation in it.


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Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas

How to Cite

“Synthesis of Waveguide-Planar Filters on Stepped-Impedance Resonators” (2021) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (86), pp. 14–21. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2021.86.14-21.

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