Synthesis Method of High Precision Servo-Systems
servo-systems, high precision, transfer function, synthesis method, invariance, stability, radio engineering servo-systems, control device, object of control, loop, regulatorAbstract
The method for synthesis of servo-systems, equivalent to combined ones, in the conditions of the simultaneous presence of both immeasurable input setting action and external disturbances and noises is presented in this paper.
The paper offers the solution to the control problem within the framework of two-loop systems, equivalent to combined systems (Fig. 2), in which the first block of the second loop carries out the operation of extracting X from an error signal ɛк according to expression (5), the transfer function of the second controller is given by expression (6), the third block performs inversion of a transfer function (TF) WОy (p).
The characteristic polynomial of a two-loop automatic control system (ACS) has the form (7), which excludes the effect of the second loop on the stability of the first one. The polynomial of the numerator of the error transfer function must have the difference of the polynomials, which leads to the achievement of invariance. In accordance with these requirements, the invariance condition and the characteristic equation have the form (16) and (17).
The double-loop servo-system which has an error transfer function with the form (20) is equivalent to a combined one, since it provides: the invariance of the error with respect to the setting action without its direct measurement; stability of the first circuit with a stable second circuit. With this construction of the ACS, the equivalence to the combined systems, in contrast to the method of differential constraints, is achieved by two control loops instead of three ones.
The double-loop ACS is synthesized that is equivalent to a combined one, which at the same time implements the requirement — an increase in ACS astatism by one unit.
It is advisable to apply the proposed method to the construction of servo-systems (especially radio engineering, where the input useful effect is not measurable), as well as in control systems of aircraft for various purposes.
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